Introduction to Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D Major

Introduction to Beethoven’s Violin Concerto in D Major

Beethoven’s Violin Concerto Op.61 is a central work of violin literature and his only violin concerto. It was composed in his most creative and productive period of his life, in the first decade of 1800s. Even this concerto is understood to be written in just a few weeks time. The piece was commissioned by his violinist friend Franz Clement, director …

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Essential facts about the violin in 12 points

violin hold by a woman

I was wondering the other day how I could describe the violin to someone in 1 minute. Here are the points I came up with! 1. The name violin comes from the latin vitula, which means stringed instrument. 2. The current form of the violin emerged in the medieval times. This early version we call the fiddle. 3. Although the …

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The violin


After the piano we continue our studies on musical instruments. Next in line is the violin. This popular, sensitive and wonderfully singing instrument is fundamentally important in the history of music. Great-great-grandfather of any violin is the lira. The lira is a pearl shaped bowed instrument with three or five strings. This device is still alive and kicking, as in …

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Beethoven and the violin

violin instrument

Who can forget the violin frenzy of the Kreutzer-sonata? Or the heart warming tunes of the Spring-sonata? Our composer B., had a special bond with both the instrument and the new generation of violinists he met in Vienna. With this article we start a journey to discover it all! Although Beethoven was primarily trained as a pianist and later became …

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