Why is classical music important?

Why Is Classical Music Important?

Classical music, a tradition spanning centuries, remains a cornerstone of human culture and intellectual life. Its importance lies not merely in its historical longevity but in its profound capacity to enrich our lives, sharpen our minds, and connect us to the depths of human experience.   Far from being an outdated relic, classical music offers timeless value that transcends generations, …

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Music in the time of Ancient Rome

Music in the time of Ancient Rome

In this article, we will look at the importance of music to the Romans, the occasions during which music could be heard, and what it sounded like.   Features of Roman music Early Romans sang at feasts, and often, their song was accompanied by a tune on a pipe. These songs, called carmen, were sometimes performed by a choir at …

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The history of music printing and publishing

The history of music printing and publishing

In the first article on printing the focus was on printing in general, on the history and the techniques. In this second part we turn our attention to a more specific area, on printing music and music publishing. In the last part of this article there is a complete list and short history of each music publisher that were in …

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The history of printing

The history of printing

Printing: a process of reproducing text or an image on paper or other materials through various techniques. Sounds simple, but its evolution has had far-reaching consequences. The history of printing is a remarkable human journey that has profoundly contributed to, and influenced human communication, knowledge distribution and consequently to the development of societies and humanity in general.   In a …

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The Raiders of Haydn’s Grave

Raiders of Haydn's grave

How in the name of science Haydn’s head was stolen from his grave One of the customs that makes humans special in animal kingdom is the custom of burial or ceremony to say goodbye to the deceased. In fact, burial ceremonies and the traditions of afterlife are very much telling about the age, religion and social structure of a certain …

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The cultural impact of the French Revolution

The cultural impact of the French Revolution

Every July (14th July) France celebrates its Fête nationale française, the French National Holiday. In English-speaking countries the Bastille Day (since 1789). It is the day of the storming of the Bastille, a major event during the French Revolution. Like so many social changes in history this one also was rooted in economic crisis, or hunger being the name on …

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