Beethoven in Berlin

Beethoven in Berlin

In February 1796 young Beethoven was in Prague. From here, he wrote to his brother about his plan to continue his tour and go to Berlin. This article will cover his stay in Berlin. For Berlin the household name Beethoven was not novel. If not by else, in October 1793 a notice was published in the Berliner Musik-Zeitung, placed by …

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Beethoven in Holland

Beethoven in Holland

One of the least documented tours of Beethoven is the one he made as a young boy to Rotterdam, Holland. This article will cover the story! It all started with the sudden and tragically early death of Franz Georg Rovantini. He was a court musician in Bonn, just as his father, Johann Conrad before him. Young Rovantini lived in the …

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Beethoven in Prague

Beethoven in Prague

Beethoven, during his life visited Prague three times. This article will follow him and the events of these occasions. In February 1796, Beethoven’s friend and patron Prince Karl Lichnowsky took the young composer on a concert tour, just as he did seven years before with Mozart. Presumably the Prince was hoping for similar success with his new protégé. In Prague …

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