Beethoven anecdotes: fool or prophet?

Beethoven anecdotes: fool or prophet?

Not long after the birth of Beethoven in 1770 the family moved to the house of the Fischer family in the Rheingasse, Bonn. The exact date of the move is unknown. The Beethovens occupied the upper floor, under them the Fischers lived and operated their business, a bakery. It happened many years later that a middle-aged local musician and composer …

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Beethoven anecdotes: it is from a goat!

Beethoven anecdotes: it is from a goat!

Inseparable part of Beethoven’s image is his hair. Both in his life and after, those locks were the aim of great attention and desire. Owning some of it was a great honor and represented a memorabilia for a life and even for generations to come. |Related: Famous Beethoven hair locks A funny anecdote is connected to one such hair lock. …

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Beethoven anecdotes: a play of a shepherd.

Beethoven anecdotes: a play of a shepherd.

One morning in Baden, during the summer break of Beethoven, Ries showed up at his teacher to practice piano. As he approached the apartment overheard Beethoven playing and improvising on his piano. He was working on the sonata that later became famous as the Appassionata. When finally entered the room he found the master looking out from his window. “We …

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Beethoven anecdotes: a new march.

Beethoven anecdotes: a new march

One day Ferdinand Ries got a money making opportunity from his teacher and mentor, Beethoven. A wealthy couple, Count Johann Georg Browne and his wife, were looking for a piano player who could entertain them and their guests in Baden. They were enthusiasts and previously generous patrons of Beethoven. No wonder, Ries had to play Beethoven music all the time…. …

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Beethoven anecdotes: with a lady on a sofa.

Beethoven anecdotes: with a lady on a sofa.

One day Beethoven’s pupil (and friend) Ferdinand Ries showed up at Beethoven’s residence during his summer break in Baden. As he entered the room he found him sitting on the sofa with an attractive young lady. Ries thought to leave and give them privacy, but Beethoven asked him to stay and play something. He played a number of pieces from …

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