Thank you for considering supporting Popular Beethoven!
This magazine has been running on love and enthusiasm ever since the start, back in November 2018. I still remember the first article and the first follower on Twitter! Today, tens of thousands of readers are visiting the website from more than 180 countries! The mission of Popular Beethoven magazine was clear from day one and I am committed to fulfill it!
This journey, although beautiful and rewarding, has its demands. All the creative work, research, composing the articles, managing and running the website are done and financed from my own resources. In order to reach the next levels and grow further, I need help from all who has the means and the willingness to help.
How can you help?
Method 1.
We highly recommend to visit and subscribe to, the video streaming platform committed to uniting the world’s orchestras! With our special Popular Beethoven Magazine promotion you can save 60% and have access to their rich content for just 20 EUR (21 USD) for a year!
What is even more, a part of your subscription fee goes to the orchestras, musicians and also supports our magazine!
To understand all the benefits of read our short introduction to their service here!
Method 2.
Support this mission and donate via PayPal’s secure donation service! You can use your credit/debit card or PayPal account.
Click below on the button and follow the steps! At the end of the process you will be redirected to the magazine.
Thank you!