Beethoven Symphony No. 1 (part 3.)

Classical hall

After exploring the first and second movements of Beethoven’s First Symphony, in this article we continue with the third movement. This is a short movement, a new joking (scherzo) approach from Beethoven, something he will hold dear in the future. The third movement is intended to be a joke. In the classical style before Beethoven, the third movement was often …

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Was Beethoven a child prodigy, a Wunderkind?

child prodigy

Was Beethoven a child prodigy? Did he show special talents in his tender age? Is he comparable to the child Mozart wonder? In this article we find the answers.  We tend to believe that geniuses are easy to spot in their earliest age, but a closer look will lead us to a different conclusion. Most often adult masterminds are underperforming in …

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Beethoven Symphony No. 1 (part 2.)

Classical hall

After the first movement, we continue our analysis of Beethoven’s First Symphony with its second movement. This time we train our ears to listen to and distinguish different instruments alone and cooperating in some truly wonderful tunes. The second movement is andante cantabile con moto (walking speed with motion) and also in sonata form. This movement is said to be …

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Beethoven Symphony No. 1 (part 1.)

Classical hall

This article is the first in a series in which we will study Beethoven’s First Symphony. We learn about the historical background, the style, all the cultural influences that formed this Beethoven composition. Audio clips will help us to discover each important section of this first and magnificent symphony. Let us start our journey with Beethoven symphonies! All nine symphonies of …

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Did Mozart and Beethoven ever meet?


According to legend Beethoven not only met Mozart, but was lucky enough to receive a few lessons from him in composition. We like to mix fantasy and reality, a wishful thinking and facts. There are many layers of false traditions sticking to the heroes of humanity, Beethoven is not exception. Let us take a closer look and see if these …

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Beethoven and the violin

violin instrument

Who can forget the violin frenzy of the Kreutzer-sonata? Or the heart warming tunes of the Spring-sonata? Our composer B., had a special bond with both the instrument and the new generation of violinists he met in Vienna. With this article we start a journey to discover it all! Although Beethoven was primarily trained as a pianist and later became …

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