Influencers in teenager Beethoven’s life


We all know the stories how Haydn and Mozart influenced Beethoven’s composing and taste, but before Vienna, he was a teenager in Bonn with some very important influencers in his life. This article will discover who these people were and how they formed this genius in his youth. No man is an island! – the saying goes. Parents influence is …

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Beethoven’s Turkish March (Op.113)

Turkish style music has a long and rich history in Europe. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven, Rossini just to name a few, who composed music with so called Turkish sections. What is Turkish in classical music and how it became so popular? While it is impossible to track back its first appearance in the European continent, a formal, first major event should …

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The violin


After the piano we continue our studies on musical instruments. Next in line is the violin. This popular, sensitive and wonderfully singing instrument is fundamentally important in the history of music. Great-great-grandfather of any violin is the lira. The lira is a pearl shaped bowed instrument with three or five strings. This device is still alive and kicking, as in …

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When Beethoven knelt and kissed a hand

two lions facing each other

It is well known that the relationship between Haydn and Beethoven was not an easy one. The blame falls almost entirely on Beethoven, but at the end he just made it right. Haydn and Beethoven first met in 1790 in Bonn, when the old Master was on his way to London with Johann Peter Solomon, who arranged Haydn’s visit to …

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Beethoven the Demanding

reading books, study

Listening and enjoying Beethoven’s music is not always an easy task. He demands attention, attention to every small detail. More than that, he demands dedication and an open heart. In this article we will see that his music is not for background noise during driving home or for elevators in expensive hotels. In order to capture its fullness and deepness …

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A little joke in Beethoven’s Eroica

We all tend to imagine Beethoven as a tragic hero, struggle against fate, his face always clouded, writing pieces like the Fifth Symphony or the Appassionata. Well, this is certainly not the truth! He loved to laugh, joke around, kidding his friends. Moreover, his music is full of joy and joking, just listen to the final movement of the Eight …

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