Beethoven movies

popcorn for movies

In this article we will discover all the movies that were produced about Beethoven, the composer. Almost every decade since the 1920s had a Beethoven movie and in this post we will review them all. Just to help out Google’s search engine right away this article is not about Beethoven the dog, but Ludwig van Beethoven, the composer! Your correspondent …

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The Duel: Beethoven vs. Steibelt

boxing sport

Like a certain form of civilized cage fights piano duels were common entertainment in contemporary Vienna. Beethoven himself participated in many proving himself a true heavy weight champion. In this article we look at the curious case of the Beethoven vs. Steibelt fight. In the Wild Wild West people used to make duels usually with one participant ending quite dead. …

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8 things you need to know about the piano

piano with lady in love

You like to listen to piano music, but do not know much about this instrument? You can not help falling in love with the sound it makes? Here are 8 interesting piano facts for you! 1. Who invented the piano? The modern-day piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori, around 1700. He named his invention gravecembalo col piano e forte (harpsichord …

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9 facts about Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata

moonlight on sea

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata is not only one of the most popular compositions ever, but has many interesting aspects, too! Here are nine of them, take a look! 1. What is the story behind the name, Moonlight sonata? Beethoven’s famous Moonlight Sonata was published in 1801 as op. 27./2. The Moonlight Sonata (“Mondscheinsonate” in German), this catchy name, was given by …

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Your easy guide to concertos

score on a piano

Concerto music is a well-known classical genre. It is the show of improvisation masters and one of the most entertaining kind of musical events. Ever wondered, what exactly a concerto is? Never been sure how to listen to a concerto? This easy guide will help you out.   Here are your 8 important takeaways! 1. The concerto with musical instruments …

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