Beethoven and Rossini

Beethoven and Rossini

In this article we discover how Rossini met Beethoven, what were his impressions and what did they think about each other and their music.   Who was Gioachino Rossini? Gioachino Antonio Rossini, (born February 29, 1792, Pesaro, Italy – died November 13, 1868, Passy, France) was an Italian composer, mostly famous for his operas in the comic genre (opera buffa). …

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Beethoven residences: the Pasqualati House

Beethoven residences: the Pasqualati House

In our series, after the Schwarzspanierhaus, we cover another important and famous residence of Beethoven, the Pasqualati House. The history of the Pasqualati House Originally, the house was two different buildings and the first written document to list the place is from the 18th century. One building was owned by an imperial captain and engineer, Leander Anguissola. After him, in …

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Beethoven in Berlin

Beethoven in Berlin

In February 1796 young Beethoven was in Prague. From here, he wrote to his brother about his plan to continue his tour and go to Berlin. This article will cover his stay in Berlin. For Berlin the household name Beethoven was not novel. If not by else, in October 1793 a notice was published in the Berliner Musik-Zeitung, placed by …

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Beethoven Beats – the newsletter

Beethoven Beats Newsletter

Friends! Celebrating Beethoven, his music, and life in general this is the motto of Beethoven Beats, our newsletter! Today, we live in a world where we are flooded with data, information, “news” and unnecessary noise. Too much to be afraid about, too much to analyze or understand! Most of them negative. These editorial issues will focus on things that are …

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What were Beethoven’s last words?

What were Beethoven's last words?

Ludwig van Beethoven died in his apartment in the Schwarzspanierhaus, on 26 March 1827, Vienna. His last days were witnessed by relatives, friends, a doctor and even a priest. Some of the accounts remembering the events are contradictory, some are confirmed by more sources. On the 22 March his doctor (Dr. Wawruch) suggested the end is near and he should …

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