Beethoven in Berlin

Beethoven in Berlin

In February 1796 young Beethoven was in Prague. From here, he wrote to his brother about his plan to continue his tour and go to Berlin. This article will cover his stay in Berlin. For Berlin the household name Beethoven was not novel. If not by else, in October 1793 a notice was published in the Berliner Musik-Zeitung, placed by …

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Beethoven anecdotes: a brain owner

Beethoven anecdotes: a brain owner

Ludwig van Beethoven was the oldest surviving child in the family. Their mother, Maria Magdalena, gave birth to eight children, but only three of them lived through infancy. Ludwig, by his late teenage years, in the absence of a living mother and a dependable father, became the guardian of his siblings. This duty he carried on all his life and …

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Beethoven and Franz von Oppersdorff

Beethoven and Oppersdorff

Oppersdorff, who commissioned two of Beethoven’s Symphonies, but ended up with only one dedication. A man, who probably saved Beethoven from jail. Who was this patron?   Who was Franz von Oppersdorff? Count Franz von Oppersdorff (1778-1818) was a nobleman from Silesia, a historical region that lies mostly in Poland, partly in Czech Republic and Germany. The family estate was …

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Beethoven anecdotes: The Incident at Teplitz

The Incident at Teplitz

After much organization by Bettina von Arnim, who was a great admirer of both Goethe and Beethoven, the two finally met in Teplitz (or Töplitz), in the summer of 1812. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was the greatest, and probably also the most influential German-language writer. Not only that, but a significant scientist, theatre …

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Beethoven’s Mother

Beethoven's Mother

This is the biography of Maria Magdalena van Beethoven, mother of Ludwig van Beethoven. Maria Magdalena Keverich was born on 19 December 1746, and after a short and difficult life, died at the age of only 40, in 17 July 1787. She was born in Ehrenbreitstein, a small village overlooking Koblenz (today part of it). Her birth place is a …

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