Beethoven and Archduke Rudolf

Archduke Rudolf of Austria

The relationship between Archduke Rudolf and Beethoven spanned two decades; he was Beethoven’s most dedicated patron, financial supporter, and piano and composition student.   Archduke Rudolf was born in 1788, in Florence. He was the youngest son of Emperor Leopold II and Maria Louisa of Spain. He did not follow a career in the military like most of the men …

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Beethoven’s father: Johann

Johann van Beethoven

Johann van Beethoven, father of the legendary composer Ludwig van Beethoven, played a significant role in shaping the musical genius we know today. Despite facing personal and professional challenges throughout his life, Johann’s influence on Ludwig’s early musical education laid the foundation for his later success. This is a short biography of Johann van Beethoven, focusing on his relationship with …

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Beethoven’s Immortal Beloved

Beethoven's Immortal Beloved

Beethoven’s Unsterbliche Geliebte, or Immortal Beloved   ‘My angel, my all, my own self’ Written at the age of 41, Beethoven’s famous love letter reads as a breathless expression of despair and hope, of love and devotion for an unnamed woman, his Immortal Beloved, whose identity has sparked two centuries of curiosity, research and debate. Here, we will take a …

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Beethoven anecdotes: fool or prophet?

Beethoven anecdotes: fool or prophet?

Not long after the birth of Beethoven in 1770 the family moved to the house of the Fischer family in the Rheingasse, Bonn. The exact date of the move is unknown. The Beethovens occupied the upper floor, under them the Fischers lived and operated their business, a bakery. It happened many years later that a middle-aged local musician and composer …

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What did Beethoven think of Napoleon Bonaparte?

What Did Beethoven Think of Napoleon Bonaparte?

The dedication and later the renaming of Beethoven’s Third Symphony is one of the most cited stories in the history of classical music. Beethoven initially admired Napoleon, dedicated his symphony to him, but later when he had heard the news of Napoleon’s own declaration as Emperor, he changed the name to Eroica instead.  There had to be a strong self-identification …

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