Was Beethoven a child prodigy, a Wunderkind?

child prodigy

Was Beethoven a child prodigy? Did he show special talents in his tender age? Is he comparable to the child Mozart wonder? In this article we find the answers.  We tend to believe that geniuses are easy to spot in their earliest age, but a closer look will lead us to a different conclusion. Most often adult masterminds are underperforming in …

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Beethoven and the violin

violin instrument

Who can forget the violin frenzy of the Kreutzer-sonata? Or the heart warming tunes of the Spring-sonata? Our composer B., had a special bond with both the instrument and the new generation of violinists he met in Vienna. With this article we start a journey to discover it all! Although Beethoven was primarily trained as a pianist and later became …

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The birth date of Beethoven

Birthday candles

When is the birthday of Beethoven? It is highly probable that Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. Why only probable? Let us find out from this article! Ludwig van Beethoven was born in the Holy Roman Empire, in the Electorate of Cologne and in the city of Bonn. His date of birth is December 16, 1770. |Related: …

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Parents and Grandparents of Beethoven

ancestry of Beethoven

This is a short essential coverage on Beethoven’s ancestry, who they were, where this family of musicians came from. Let’s dive in!   As far as the family’s history is traceable (beginning of the seventeenth century) the Beethovens came from a Belgian village near Louvain. The family name originally was written as Biethoffen, meaning Beet-garden in English. |Related: What does Beethoven’s …

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The cultural legacy of Beethoven


A master, a giant, an extraordinary talent, the Messiah of music, a genius, the best, the most influential. Some labels that are likely to describe Ludwig van Beethoven, when we read articles about him. What was he? How important was this composer in the line of remarkable musicians? This article is about Beethoven’s footprint he left behind on music and …

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