Interstellar Beethoven: the Golden Record in space

Golden Record - Voyager 1

In his life Beethoven always aimed ever higher, creating more and more ambitious compositions for eternity. He wished to leave something behind. Today, in deep space, on a spacecraft that traveled further from Earth than any other human made object, there is a phonograph record carrying his music.   What is Voyager 1 and 2? Voyager 1 (and its twin, …

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The most famous portrait of Beethoven

Beethoven's portrait by Joseph Karl Stieler

Unfortunate for us, we do not have a photograph of the famous composer. He just missed out on this wonderful invention. We must be content with the paintings that were made of him. The most famous of them all is the one by Joseph Karl Stieler. This article discovers the origin and fate of this famous portrait.   Joseph Karl …

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Music as art and business in Vienna

Schonbrunn palace

No other city has such rich history in music like Vienna does! What was the city like when Beethoven arrived as a young man? How could a musician make a living? Let’s find out!     At the end of the 18th century opera was the main attraction in Vienna. After the death of Joseph II. who was a great …

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The benefits of music for children

child with headphone

We, parents do everything we can to make our children prosper in life. We want them to be smart so we play with them from birth, we pay extra tutorials for them, we do our best to get them to a top-grade college or university. However, there is a very pleasant and free way to develop our children and this …

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Plato on music

Plato on music

Greek myths and legends tell many stories about the wonders of music. In fact, in ancient Greece music was part of basic education and even religious or civic gatherings. Plato, the Greek philosopher, considered music special and devotes broadened attention to the subject in his works Republic and in Laws. In this article we discover what Plato has to say …

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