Beethoven the Demanding

Listening and enjoying Beethoven’s music is not always an easy task. He demands attention, attention to every small detail. More than that, he demands dedication and an open heart. In this article we will see that his music is not for background noise during driving home or for elevators in expensive hotels. In order to capture its fullness and deepness the listener must pay close attention.

There has always been a certain gap between the ordinary man and the genius. We lack behind and understand later. We try to grasp, but can only do so with a fraction. Especially the fans of Beethoven have a big challenge on hand, as his music requires investment in order to harvest the enjoyment.

As we humans are advancing in culture and arts, we always carry with us a certain disproportion. There is this lack of balance between the artist and the public. As public grows, even more so does the genius! Bach and Mozart, both received criticism of being too complicated, too much for the audience. Haydn was an exception, he knew exactly how to perfectly entertain the public. Nothing too heavy before a good night sleep!

Then comes Beethoven the musician, who establishes the dignity of the artist. Does not care about critics and public taste, for him art is heavenly and must be served without compromise. Until him a composer was subjugated by his social superiors – they were kept to please and entertain. Not B.! His whole life was a protest against birthright over the mind. As such, his music has no compromises and seeks to please no one!

|Related: The cultural heritage of Beethoven

Exactly because of this attitude poor fans are in no easy position! His music is no elevator music, with the exception of Für Elise that is unfortunately often used in unworthy circumstances (like doorbells, toys or quartz watches), his themes and motifs cannot be heard in call centers! Quite the contrary, there is a price tag for us to pay, if we are seriously into enjoying his works. His music is so complex and with so many layers that one must listen and listen again to discover them! Many follow the music with scores, just trying to grasp the genius of it!

One shocking example for the contemporary people was the Eroica, the Third Symphony. At first the audience was confused by the richness of this music, many turned away. The lucky ones kept listening, got hands on a copy of the score and went back again and again to this extraordinary work. The more time and attention they invested, the more reward they got!

This tax on the enjoyment is true also today. When we want his music to work and touch us in its fullness, we must dedicate time, attention, energy into listening, studying his works!

Conclusion: No other composer demands so much from the audience and probably no other reward is so rich for this effort!

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