Beethoven anecdotes: a new march.

One day Ferdinand Ries got a money making opportunity from his teacher and mentor, Beethoven. A wealthy couple, Count Johann Georg Browne and his wife, were looking for a piano player who could entertain them and their guests in Baden. They were enthusiasts and previously generous patrons of Beethoven. No wonder, Ries had to play Beethoven music all the time….

At one point Ries got tired of the play and improvised a little marching theme of his own. A countess, one of the guests, got so excited about this new Beethoven piece that Ries decided to go along with the joke. The next day the Master himself arrived and was somewhat surprised that this countess is so excited about his new marching theme. Ries pulled Beethoven aside and revealed the background.

Now Ries was forced to play it again with Beethoven standing beside him. At first, when the clapping broke out again, Beethoven was furious, but then finally laughed at the situation. Later he told Ries, “There you see, my dear Ries! Those are the great connoisseurs who aspire to judge all music so correctly and astutely. Just give them the name of their darling; more than that they do not need.”

From this little comedy something good came to Beethoven as Count Browne commissioned him to write four marches for four-hand piano arrangement, that later became Op. 45.

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