The birth date of Beethoven

When is the birthday of Beethoven? It is highly probable that Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770. Why only probable? Let us find out from this article!

Ludwig van Beethoven was born in the Holy Roman Empire, in the Electorate of Cologne and in the city of Bonn. His date of birth is December 16, 1770.

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What evidence we have for this date as his birthday?

From long past times, and in fact still in the eighteenth century, it was not evident to have authentic birth certificates. It was true also for Beethoven. Fortunately, there is an official record of baptism from the parish of St.Remigius. In this we can see that the baby, both parents and two sponsors were present. One of them the grandfather, the other one is the neighbor Gertrudis Müller (secretary at the Elector’s cellar). Date of this baptism certificate is December 17, 1770.

Since in catholic Rhine area it was customary not to prolong the baptism beyond 24 hours from birth, it is highly probable that Ludwig van Beethoven was born on December 16, 1770.

1770 vs. 1772 – an alternative year of birth

This date was long debated even by the composer himself! It partly comes from Johann the father, who was cheating with the age of young Beethoven, when he tried to make his son a similar child prodigy to Mozart. He introduced Ludwig to the public as two years younger than he really was. What was the real reason for the composer himself to believe in the younger age (apart from vanity), we do not know.

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Another testimony supporting 1770 as the correct year, is the account of Wegeler, who told Thayer (the biographer) that Beethoven clung to his grandfather and had vivid memories of him. This could not be possible with a one year old baby, as his grandfather died on December 24, 1773.

Today, most scholars agree in the date stated above, which is December 16, 1770.

Happy Birthday Beethoven!

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